IMAB (International Management Assessment Board) offers globally recognized accreditation programs for calibration & testing laboratories. IMAB (International Management Assessment Board) accreditation gives assurance that the laboratories are capable to manage & perform process & activities defines in its scope of accreditation. IMAB (International Management Assessment Board) accredited laboratories comply the principles of ISO/IEC 17025,international standard for testing & calibration of laboratories & the ISO/IEC 17025 also meet the requirements of the globally recognized quality management system standard ISO 9001:2015 which ensures about the quality of the laboratories accredited by IMAB (International Management Assessment Board). IMAB (International Management Assessment Board) is accrediting the entities which are performing the Testing and Calibration activities as per the guideline of ISO 17025 in the following areas :

  1. Biological
  2. Chemical
  3. Calibration
  4. Construction
  5. Electrical
  6. Environmental and
  7. Energy