ISO / IEC 17011: Conformity Assessment – General Requirement for Accreditation Bodies accrediting Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)

ISO / IEC 17025: General Requirement for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories

ISO 15189: Medical Laboratories – Particular Requirement of Quality and Competence

ISO / IEC Guide 65:1996 (EN 45011:1998): General Requirement for Bodies Operating Product Certification System

ISO 14046: Greenhouse Gases – Requirement for Greenhouse Validation and Verification Bodies for use in Accreditation or other form of recognition.

ISO/ IEC 17024: General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification for Persons

ISO / IEC Guide 43- Part I: Development and Operation of Laboratory Proficiency Testing

ISO / IEC 17021: Conformity Assessment – Requirement for Bodies providing Audit and Certification of Management System

ISO Guide 34: General Requirement for Competence of Reference Material Producer